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Meet The Team

Where Passion and Dedication Meet

Our dedicated team of experienced professionals are at the heart of what we do, utilizing their unique skills and passion to move the work of our Non-Profit Organization forward. Without them, Youth Mindset would not be where it is today. Meet some of our team members below.


Claire Burrows.
Co-Founder & Joint C.E.O.

Claire is dedicated and determined. With a passion for helping all young people to achieve their best, her years of experience in Safeguarding make her the perfect Champion for our Young Beneficiaries.

Specialisms include: Safeguarding, S.E.N.D. and Management.

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Verity Slaughter-Penney

Co Founder & Joint C.E.O.

Verity has had a long career (30 years) in education. Having retired from teaching she now delights in working alongside Claire to make Youth Mindset a reality.

Specialisms include: Education / Employability / Mental Health / S.E.N.D.+ / L.B.T.Q.+

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